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In every lecture, the true master not only imparts lessons but also masters the art of making the essential shine with its own light. This is how the 50% iberian breed acorn-fed iberian ham is; a lesson imparted that reflects years of experience passed down through generations.

This ham is a reflection of the wisdom accumulated by the farmers, a product that, while following the masterful lessons of tradition, brings its own personality with an authentic character.

In the dehesas of Salamanca, where time flows in rhythm with the seasons, the 50% Iberian pigs grow freely, breathing the pure air and feeding on acorns and natural pastures. This privileged environment is the classroom where our family has learned to respect the cycles of nature, allowing it to guide each step.

Each ham is the result of a careful curing process of 24 to 36 months, a period in which time becomes the best ally, giving the meat a smooth texture and a full flavour of nuances.

This 50% Iberian red-label ham is a living testament that knowledge of the land, applied with care, generates results worthy of admiration. Its aroma, texture, and flavour nuances turn each bite into a small lesson on the balance between tradition and nature.

Tasting the 50% iberian breed acorn-fed iberian ham is immersing oneself in a lecture of authenticity, where each step of the process follows the principles of those who understand that such flavour is not improvised but built with patience and experience.

Conservation and Expiry

To keep the exceptional qualities of the 50% iberian breed acorn-fed iberian ham in perfect condition, we suggest storing it in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. This way, its original aroma and flavour will be preserved.
Preferential consumption: 24 months.


To ensure that the 50% iberian breed acorn-fed iberian ham maintains all its flavour and texture properties, we recommend removing it from the cotton casing as soon as you receive it and keeping it at a temperature between 16º and 25º.
Additionally, save the first cut and use it as a natural "lid" to prevent the ham from drying out, thus preserving its freshness.


Each piece is shipped in a cardboard box, wrapped in a fabric covering that protects the ham during transport, ensuring it arrives at your home in optimal condition.


Whole pieces weigh approximately between 7 kg and 10 kg, offering a generous amount of ham to enjoy on various occasions. Additionally, we offer different formats to suit your preferences: you can choose between the whole piece, boneless, machine-sliced, or hand-sliced, always guaranteeing maximum flavour and freshness in every presentation.


The 50% iberian breed acorn-fed iberian ham is certified by Calicer PI/0649/15, ensuring quality work and compliance with all current regulations.

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